05/08/15 – Daily News Update

The second part of our new column Deep Insider will be up tomorrow, where I continue my sojourn into the unsavory, questionable realm of Elite Membership at PWInsider.com.

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We’ll have the next in our series reviewing some of the biggest wrestling news sites on the internet, using the Alexa Top 10 as our starting point.

We should also be recording another episode of Talking Sheet this weekend. We’ll be debuting a new feature on the show called the Rear View—with Les & Hugh, taking a look at back issues of popular newsletters.

Friday News Update

** PW Torch updated their story on Tough Enough with additional information given by Chris Jericho on format changes for the show this summer, and it being similar to the Voice.

** WrestleZone has a story recapping Bill Demott’s recent appearance on Vince Russo’s podcast. This is noteworthy for two reasons, to me… 1. It’s the first time DeMott has spoken publicly at any length since his termination from WWE Developmental. And, 2. Vince Russo has a podcast.

** PWInsider is reporting that, contrary to the WrestlingDVDNews piece Thursday, Martha Hart has not given any support for the Owen Hart DVD that WWE is scheduled to release.

** About an hour & a half later F4Wonline ran the same story & quote, but did not cite the source that her statement was made directly to WrestlingDVDNews.

** F4Wonline today ran a headline alerting readers that the former TNA champion who was returning was revealed. Here’s how they treated the headline and story:

F4W Staff too busy to write news story.
F4W Staff too busy to write news story.

** This happens far too frequently. Honestly… how long since Bully Ray had appeared on TNA? What were the circumstances leading to his departure? Is there anything we can expect from his return out of the gate that has been learned from sources within TNA? Can we please have some context behind this?!

** WrestlingInc has a recap of Drew Galloway’s interview at Cult of Whatever talking about his time in WWE and being in 3MB.

** Wade Keller has a “Keller’s Take” column up on PW Torch that takes a look on Billy Corgan in TNA creative, and whether it was Dixie Carter’s best move yet.

** PWInsider has reported that Smackdown ratings increasing this week by 237,000 viewers.

** Today’s News vs Plugs at F4Wonline.com – News: 1115 words. Plugs: 3659


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