Voices of Wrestling proprietors Rich Kraetsch and Joe Lanza have taken their occasional, playful feuding to the next level! This time over former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Danile Bryan’s choice of casual wear.
The former champion, who recently relinquished his Intercontinental Championship, causing the title to be held up in one of the two chamber matches at the Elimination Chamber event exclusively on the WWE Network earlier this evening, was the guest on the MizTV segment to verbally spar with the Miz, and to announce that his career was not over.

While that was all well and good, many a viewer took issue with Daniel Bryan’s choice of attire—particularly his shirt which one wrestling reporter, Mike Sempervive, questioned whether the shirt was “coral or salmon?”
F4Wonline writer David Bixenspan tweeted out a scathing burial of Bryan’s shirt with this clever quip:
Daniel Bryan’s shirt buries him worse than Vince McMahon ever could.
But it was Kraetsch and Lanza, tweeting from the same Voices of Wrestling account, who aired their difference of opinion publicly.
Lanza was first to tweet out:
“Wouldn’t be caught dead in that shirt Bryan is wearing. Awful.” -J[oe Lanza]
Which was followed just a minute later by Kraetsch’s take on the shirt.
“I’ve worn my fair share of pink button ups, I’d definitely wear the one Bryan is wearing. I actually like it.” -Rich [Kraetsch]
In recent weeks, Kraetsch and Lanza have been playing off one another in quasi shoot fashion, hinting at differences which never seem to fully play out to any great degree.
Interestingly, on their radio show this afternoon, Bryan Alvarez and Sempervive at first seemed to take greater issue with what the Miz and Summer Rae were wearing in the segment.
Alvarez seemed to take umbrage with Miz’s outfit, mocking it as some sort of cossack-like attire, and also calling into question whether he was wearing some sort of women’s winter boots.
Sempervive later mocked both mens’ attire to great degree, at a complete loss for words over the “salmon shirt with patterns” worn by Bryan, and the “Doc Martens knock offs” Miz was wearing.
Alvarez, for his part, claimed WWE Superstar Bryan looked the same as he always did, and didn’t think much at all of the pink shirt, causing Sempervive to scoff and chuckle at the idea.
That looks like 25% of my wardrobe. Would Wear.
But I’m a Washingtonian to California transplant who dresses like a West Oakland lesbian hipster.
And I google fuckboy.
Hilarious article. Pink button-up shirts can work, but a two-tone one like that? I’d probably leave that on the rack.