Confusing details emerge as major wrestling news sites seek to confirm Krone story on the arrest of ex-WWE Superstar
Despite both writing reports this morning confirming and clarifying the arrest of the former Alberto Del Rio in Austria over the weekend, both F4Wonline’s Dave Meltzer, and ProWrestlingSheet’s Ryan Satin have raised new questions in the case.

Meltzer’s report notes that charges of assault and damaging property were filed, and “forwarded to authorities in both men’s place of residence. Satin, claiming “Exclusive Details” on his story wrote that no charges were filed at all.

Both stories come more than a day after Austrian tabloid Krone first reported on the story, in which Alberto Rodriguez and his brother Guillermo were said to have gotten into a brawl with a local at a party Friday night. The two men, once taken into custody, engaged in a brawl with each other at the local police station.
Meanwhile, fake news reports have also surfaced online regarding Paige being pregnant.

PWInsider’s Mike Johnson quickly shot these rumors down, attributing them to a comedic tweet Del Rio made to make light of his most recent legal troubles, and inciting “marks” to talk more about him.
Ok marks I'm pregnant talk about it
— Alberto El Patron (@PrideOfMexico) January 2, 2017
Johnson took to his site to school his readers when it comes to believing these fake news stories, and also impart some knowledge on the reproductive habits of seahorses.