037 – The Original Wrestling Sheet Podcast | New Sheet in Town | Where Is Hugh Little | NXT Takeover Respect Reactions | Susan G. Komen Controversy | Iron Man vs Iron Woman | Crying in Wrestling

Les Moore and Sealia Bloom are Talking Sheet this week: They explain Hugh Little’s mysterious absence… does it have anything to do with Ryan Satin’s new Pro Wrestling Sheet endeavor and podcast? We answer the question in this episode. Then, Les and Sealia discuss all the coverage of NXT Takeover, including how Sealia Sees it on topics like whether or not the Sasha v. Bayley match should be called Ironman or Ironwoman… we talk about wrestling’s philanthropic efforts, and just how altruistic they really are. Charlotte defends the WWE Divas revolution, while Sealia wonders what the hell he’s watching, and compares the Raw content to what we’re seeing on NXT. Finally, we weigh in on the idea of crying in wrestling, and pick apart the sexist, offensive article that appeared on Forbes.com where the author seems never to have had a conversation with women before spouting his ridiculous opinions.

Follow the hosts of the Talking Sheet podast on twitter:
Les is @ProWrestling
Sealia is @SealiaBloom
Hugh is @HughLittleSheet

The Talking Sheet podcast goes in-depth for analysis on coverage from insider wrestling newsletters, sites, podcasts and more, covering pro wrestling!


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