Martin Out of UFC Picks at F4WOnline

Former Wrestling Observer Raw recapper Todd Martin reportedly done as co-host of popular podcast

Former F4WOnline and contributor Todd Martin has withdrawn from the site’s UFC picks indicating we have seen the last of him on the site

The pieces seem to be fitting together.

In the ongoing drama of Todd Martin’s self-induced disappearance from the F4Wonline wrestling news site, the latest news at least takes the form of something approaching an official word.

Site writer Josh Nason Friday night posted the UFC Manila Observer picks for Saturday night’s fights headlined by Frankie Edgar vs Urijah Faber—and Todd Martin was nowhere to be found.

Nason addressed the issue in the article:

“I also need to pass along that inaugural picks member Todd Martin has respectfully withdrawn from the picks panel, so we’re going with nine people the rest of the year. As always, we wish Mr. Martin all the best in his future endeavors.”

It was the first time in something approaching 50 fights where Todd Martin had not taken part in fight picks for the site. And, all indications at this point would appear to point toward a speculative scenario where we have already seen the last of Martin on F4Wonline.

Martin has made very few appearances online since his controversial departure from the site in the wake of bad blood between himself and site personality Mike Coughlin.

He appeared on the Shake Them Ropes podcast on April 21, where he addressed his non-status on the F4W site without going into details and hinted he would show up somewhere soon, whether back at the site, or elsewhere.

He showed up on John Pollock’s MMA Report earlier this month talking about the Jon Jones situation in UFC, billed as a “ and L.A Times writer.”

No mention was made of his time on, or his status there, however one noteworthy exchange would seem to play into the ongoing development that, whatever Martin’s future holds, is not in it.

Martin closed his appearance on Pollock’s show with an awkward chuckle, like only Todd Martin can deliver.

When Pollock closed the interview, he told listeners they can read Martin’s work at Sherdog and LA Times blog, and then asked him if he was working on anything specific at the moment.

Martin laughed in what had to have felt like an out-of-place, injoke sort of way to listeners of Pollock’s show who don’t know Martin, or the drama that had unfolded over at F4WOnline.

Martin’s reply: “Ahh, ah yeah… I’ll get back to you on that.”

It’s been another two weeks since that appearance, and Martin has remained quiet, still, about what he will next be working on.

With Friday’s quiet departure from the UFC Picks feature on F4Wonline, however, eager readers wondering when we might see Martin back on the site may finally have their answer: We won’t.


  1. Alvarez is an ego maniac. Did you hear the last Christmas show he did with Vinny and Craig. He was such a dick to everyone in the room.


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