TS Mid-Week Round Table 005 – Zellner, Hales, Moore | Hogan/Gawker | Wrestling Gossip | Guess the Dirt | WrestleMania | Keller on Reigns Conspiracy | Future of Indies | TNA Status & more

Joining Les Moore today are Kris Zellner of popular pro wrestling podcasts Between the Sheets & Exile on Bradstreet, and Dylan Hales frequent contributor and host on the PWO-PTBN Podcast Network.

Today’s other discussions include:

Hulk Hogan vs Gawker Trial Coverage

Salacious tone to how the trail is being looked at

Will this sustain three weeks of coverage?

Dave Meltzer reporting innuendo?

Guess the Dirt

Lana has heat backstage again?

New Day vs League of Nation — Meltzer says it has a purpose

Lackluster WrestleMania Build-Up

Is WWE Roadblock stealing WrestleMania’s thunder?

Keller talks Triple H not being on team Reigns

How does Keller’s quote play in to Dylan’s Reigns Political Hit Theory?

Comparing the recent Ryan Clingman article on the danger of NXT to PWInsider’s Mike Johnson article on indy wrestling

TNA tapings finally scheduled, and how has TNA Mecca reacted?

The state and future of TNA

ROH, and whether they are facing a shocking surprise from NJPW


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